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TuneFab M4V Converter M4V Converter

-Q1. What is the difference between trial version and the full version of TuneFab M4V Converter?

The free trial version of TuneFab M4V Converter can only convert 5 minutes for each file while the full version has no such limit.

+Q2. How to register iTunes M4V Converter on PC?

Step 1. Launch iTunes M4V Converter on your computer after installation. And iTunes will be launched automatically.

Step 2. Now you can click on the menu button on the upper-right corner and select "Register". Then you can enter the registration code you have received and click "Register".

+Q3. How can I get the version number of TuneFab M4V Converter?

Please launch the program and click on "About" button on the upper-right corner. Then you will see the product's version number and company info from the pop-up window.

+Q4 I have not receive the license code for several hours after the purchase is successful, why?

Normally, the license code will be sent to you within an hour when the payment is done. Please check your SPAM folder.

If you still cannot find it in your mailbox, please provide your order number or purchasing email to contact us via email: .

+Q5. Why is my registration code invalid?

First, please make sure that you've purchased the correct version of TuneFab M4V Converter. For example, if you are using a Mac version, then please do not buy the Windows version of this program in mistake. If you have purchased the wrong version, please contact us immediately via email.

Second, please note that one activation code can only be used on one computer. If you have already activated the software on a computer, then you won't be able to use the same code to activate the software on another computer. If you need to use the software on multiple computers, then you can buy the family license.

If you have received error code like 903, 905, 901, please contact TuneFab support team

+Q6. How do I update my TuneFab M4V Converter? Is it free?

Whenever there's an update version of TuneFab M4V Converter, you can download it from our website and install it on your PC. The update is totally free for any user who has purchased the product.

+Q7. When I launch the program, it also runs iTunes automatically. Why? Can I quit it?

TuneFab M4V Converter needs to work with iTunes and please don't quit iTunes during the whole process. Otherwise, the conversion will be failed because of the playing interrupted.

+Q8. Can I use iTunes to play other tracks/video when the program is doing the conversion?

No. The software is using iTunes while converting. If you use iTunes to do other things during conversion, it might cause converting errors.

+Q9. Can I convert iTunes movies/TV shows which are not authorized on the computer?

No. TuneFab M4V Converter only works with the files that are playable on iTunes. But unauthorized files are not playable on iTunes. So please make sure that you've authorized the files before conversion.

+Q10. Some M4V files can be played on iTunes, but they cannot be converted. Why?

TuneFab M4V Converter only supports converting iTunes DRM-ed M4V videos. It cannot convert DRM-free videos from other sources.

+Q11. What kinds of files can I convert with TuneFab M4V Converter?

You can convert DRM protected .m4v videos, including iTunes movies, TV shows, music videos, etc.

+Q12. Can I convert iTunes movies with 5.1 audio tracks and subtitles including CC preserved?

Yes. TuneFab M4V Converter supports converting iTunes movie with 5.1 audio track and subtitles including CC preserved.

+Q13. What to do when iTunes or TuneFab M4V Converter crashed?

Please turn off the other programs running on your computer and then relaunch iTunes and the software.

+Q14. I cannot get help from your FAQs and I need technical support!

Please email us at with the following detailed information:

• Version of TunFab M4V Converter (Windows)

• Version of iTunes

• The information of the iTunes videos as name, length, file size, etc.

• The steps you take when doing the conversion

• Some screenshots
