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Distributed in Asian countries like Japan, Line Music has been a popular streaming service with a vast music library, delivering countless music resources for users to enjoy the playback whenever they want.

However, when streaming errors result from unstable network connections, and also other situations like regional playback limits, many users will want to download Line Music in advance to bypass these problems and have an error-free playback experience offline. Therefore, this article will introduce you a detailed guide on how to download Line Music on both mobiles and computers easily. Now, you can have a look.



How to Download Line Music in the Official App on Mobiles

Like other mainstream music streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple Music, Line Music also uses the subscription pattern to limit users’ access to its music resources and the streaming service. Only by subscribing to Line Music’s monthly plans (starting at ¥980/month) can you play full songs online or download them to enjoy offline within the app.

If you have been a subscriber of Line Music, you only need to follow the easy steps below to download Line Music on mobile phones to enjoy the offline playback smoothly:

Step 1. Open the Line Music app on your mobile phone and also sign in with your premium account.

Step 2. After signing in, you can directly search for the music or playlist you want to download for playback offline.

Step 3. Tap into the playlist, click the download button to download a full playlist or click the three-dots button to download singles one by one.

Download Line Music in App

Pay attention that the official download function provided by Line Music has certain limitations. For example:

● You can only enjoy the online music playback within the Line Music app on mobile devices but not on computers.

● The music downloads will all be deleted when your subscription period is over, and you need to keep renewing it to access the downloaded Line Music songs.


How to Download Line Music on Computers to Play Offline

If you are using a computer and also want to download Line Music to play locally, or want to remove the above limitations and have a free Line Music offline playback experience, TuneFab Line Music Converter can provide you with the most professional help.

TuneFab Line Music Converter lets you directly sign in to your Line Music account (using a free account is possible) to access the full web player inside the software, and then search for any music, playlist, or album to download offline without limitations. TuneFab Line Music Converter will remove DRM protection from Line Music songs and download them to MP3, M4A, and more common formats, so you can get the files and enjoy the playback offline using any media player.

TuneFab Line Music Converter also ensures original music quality to download songs from Line Music. It supports up to 320Kbps without compressing them a bit. Using this software, you will still have the same great offline playback experience on computers and even more devices without installing the Line Music app at all.

Key Features:

● No need to subscribe to Line Music plans and download Line Music on computers directly

● Saves music downloads in common MP4, M4A, WAV, and FLAC offline to play on all devices as well as media players

● Keeps original music quality to save Line Music offline and gives you the best offline playback experience

● Saves ID3 information to let you easily manage the music downloads locally

● Supports 35X faster speed to batch download Line Music playlists without wasting much of your time

Now, also check the tutorial and follow the steps to download Line Music on computers without quality loss using TuneFab Line Music Converter within several easy steps:

Step 1. Open TuneFab Line Music Converter on your computer after installing it, and then select "Line Music" to complete the account sign-in.

Sign in Line Music Account

Step 2. When you reach the built-in Line Music web player, directly find the songs or playlists you’d like to download. Simply drag and drop them to the converting panel on the right side.

Tip: Clicking the "Add to the conversion list" button on the cover of the song or playlist to add them to the “Converting" list is also possible.

Add Line Music to Download

Step 3. Now, you can go to the "Converting" window and adjust both the output format and also quality for the Line Music songs you are going to download.

Adjust Format and Quality to Download Line Music

Step 4. Finally, simply press the "Convert All" button, and TuneFab Line Music Converter will begin to download the Line Music playlist offline for you. When the music download finishes, you can find them in the "Finished" section and open the songs to enjoy the music playback offline!

Download Line Music Offline


FAQs: More About Downloading Line Music

Can I play downloaded Line Music songs without using the app?

Unfortunately no. You can only use the Line Music app to play downloaded songs, because they are protected by DRM so you can’t move them and save outside the official platform. If you want to get Line Music downloads out of the app and play or use in other software, you’d better turn to TuneFab Line Music Converter to help download the songs in common formats like MP4 instead.

Can I use Line Music even if I don't stay in Japan?

If you can get a Line Music account (which can only be registered within Japan), you can sign in to the app and enjoy the music playback no matter in what regions around the world.

How many Line Music downloads can I keep offline at a time?

Line Music will allow you to download 1000 singles, 500 albums, and create 200 playlists within the app for a flexible offline playback experience. But to keep more or save them permanently without expiration, you will need to remove DRM protection from them and download them as common audio files with the help of third-party tools like TuneFab Line Music Converter, which are equipped with the DRM removal function. You can try its free trial now by clicking the button below to install the software:


In Conclusion

To download Line Music offline, you can subscribe to the premium plans and download songs within the Line Music app on mobile phones, or use the best Line Music converter, TuneFab Line Music Converter to download Line Music playlists in batches on computers. Now, based on your needs and choose the method for having a smoother and more enjoyable Line Music playback experience offline!

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