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"Listening and watching the Christmas playlist on YouTube? Enough of it! "

If the above is your voice when you searching for the Best Christmas Playlist on YouTube, you are bound to reading following post for it will walk you through how to make your favorite and the best Christmas Playlist on YouTube. Come and learn it now!

Make the Best Playlist on YouTube


There are 2 ways which you want to make best Christmas songs on YouTube. One is on your computer, and the other is with your iPhone.

Part 1. Make Christmas Songs YouTube Playlist on PC

If you are want to display the best Christmas songs on YouTube via your computer, you can apply the following step-by-step instruction.

Step 1. Turn on your Website and access to YouTube

To make the Christmas songs YouTube playlist, the first things you are supposed to do is entering to and signing in with your Account.

Log in Your YouTube Account

Step 2. Find the Creator Studio by clicking the Library

When entering to your YouTube, find out and click your Library and then click to your Creator Studio, where you can do it yourself for your video or upload your recording videos.

Find Creator Studio on the Library Page

Step 3. Create the New Playlist in your Creator Studio

After entering the Creator Studio, you can create a New Playlist on Playlist, the sub-item of VIDEO MANAGER.

Create New Playlist on Youtube

Step 4. Searching for the Christmas Songs on YouTube

After creating your Best Christmas Songs on YouTube, you can find some best Christmas Songs on YouTube and prep for adding to your self-built playlists.

Searching Christmas Songs on YouTube

Step 5. Add some Videos to your self-built The Best Christmas Playlists

After looking for your favorite videos, you can add to your the Best Christmas Playlists.

Add the Video to Playlist on YoutubeAdd the Video to The Best Christmas Playlists

Step 6. Now you can Enjoy your Best Christmas Playlists

After adding, you can play it now to enjoying your Best Christmas Playlist on your Computer now.

Play the Best Christmas Playlist Now

If you want to play your Best Christmas Playlist just on your iPhone or smartphone, there is also the ways to make it! Let's move on to the next part.

Part 2. Make Christmas Songs YouTube Playlist with iPhone

Users who using iPhone to play the YouTube Playlist can follow the 4 step guidance and then display and enjoy the Best Christmas Songs YouTube Playlist.

Step 1. Launching the YouTube on your iPhone

Let me say again, your first things you should do with your Christmas Songs YouTube Playlist is launching it.

Launch YouTube on iPhone

Step 2. Searching Christmas Songs on YouTube and add to Playlist

After entering the YouTube, you can tap the magnifier-shaped button on the top right corner to search Christmas Songs. Pick up what you want and tap the three-point-shaped button of each video to add it to your Best Christmas Songs YouTube Playlist.

Find Christmas Songs and Add to Playlist

Step 3. Create a Brand New Playlist entitled to The Best Christmas Playlist

After adding to a playlist, you need to create a playlist with the Name of The Best Christmas Playlist so that your playlist can be formed.

Create A New Playlist as Best Christmas Playlist

Step 4. Now enjoy your Christmas Songs YouTube Playlist on your phone

Play the Best Christmas Playlist Now on iPhone

Alright! Is it so easy to make the Best Christmas Playlist with these 2 ways? So do it now and prep for your Christmas feast.

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